Pothole damage leaves nation's drivers with £684 million repair bill
Kwik Fit | Wednesday 23rd March 2016 11:30am
- Over six million drivers hit in the pocket after pothole impact
- Drivers in the South East have worst pothole problem
- 2016 ALARM survey reveals only 2.1% of repair costs paid in compensation
Budget or Bodge it?
Kwik Fit | Monday 12th October 2015 11:30am
- Drivers increasingly found to be carrying out their own repairs to save money
- 21 million cars in need of repair over the last 2 years
- Over a third of drivers who carry out their own repairs admit to being worried about the quality of the repairs
Price of car owners neglect = £154m
Kwik Fit | Thursday 13th August 2015 11:38am
- One in five car owners have skipped maintenance or repairs in the last year
- 45% of those neglecting their car’s servicing or maintenance said that they would be spending more as a result of putting off repairs
- 18-24's the most neglectful with 40% skipping a service